Operation mode: hydraulic
The Baobab radiator has a pure line, which rises like the iconic tree from which it takes its name.
The power of Baobab is the contrast between the vertical and horizontal lines of the two heating elements. The first element has also the function of coat hanger. The second integrates two wooden boards, useful as a seat, optimizing your living space.
The Baobab design radiator is customizable in size and functions. It is ideal for gyms, spas and dressing rooms.
Operation mode: electric
Baobab model:
Baobab XXL model:
Graduated in Industrial paint in the IUAV University, in 2009 he founded his own study of industrial design. Always in research of transversals contamination and news camps/sectors of verification for his project method, he projects various types of products for famous/well-know design brands.